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Review on Winter Crescent - Battle Of Egos e.p. (2009)
Another progressive metal attack has just started.This time,our attack begins from a place in Greece,a bit forgotten by the metal least in relevance with rest of Greece.Crete,a beautiful island,which happens to let us with our mouth widely open this year.Not only with the releases of its bands,but also with some lives made there and even with the Prog And Run Fest in September (more info soon).Winter Crescent is our band and "Battle Of Egos" their first outstanding release. A kinda risky release,since its self-produced,and self-released in 2000 copies!!!Ain't it that a lot?But who cares?If people are open-minded,this will surely be sold out. Grab your jaw,and don't let it fall to the floor,with what you'll hear.Fully technical progressive heavy metal,in the paths that Dream Theater (just technique,not keyboards stuff like that!!!!),Watchtower,Fates Warning also walked..the usual ones
. "Battle Of Egos" a demo of 7 tracks,of 7 unique tracks by the musical view.Also good job has been made by the singer,who has some "previous service" in the greek metal scene in Arkenstone (another cretan band,which' dirrection of music might put you in a few thoughts...),and Rex Mundi (from Thessaloniki). Even the cover artwork makes you consider seriously of what you're about to hear,just by taking a look at the guy gazing at the horizon's end (greek-->ΜΠΑΝΤΑΡΑ!!!) you can only be prepared for a long distance trip along with your thoughts and soul...(poetic?) "Battle Of Egos" begins with our 3-part same-titled track..and as the name says,its all about the endless struggling,ones' with himself,his thoughts and feelings (something quite interesting since its a very common phenomenon in nowadays).But our story does not end here..all the tracks are slightly connected one another.All the tracks are soul-talking and mainly refer to our psychology,which makes it a bit darker. Special referance must be made to the drummer,who grabbed my balls and did not let me move with his incredible talent..his age?17 fuckin' years old.YES,only 17 and plays like a maniac... Personally i would not pick some track as favourite,but just because i was left speechless by the kid,i beleive i will say "Lost In Dreams".He really kicks ass in this track.And he is not the only one.The whole rhythm section gives its best,and can easily be heard. Definately a disc for most metalheads,not just the Greeks ones,nor just the progressive ones!Check them also in the Prog And Run Fest in September (more info soon) P.S. for getting this disc in your hands,besides the band you can also contact me,since i wll be distributing some pieces.. IN DO NIO NIO WE STAND!!!(Cheers to Thanos Sgouridis)
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